The age requirement for participants of our program is 10 and beyond. Age is immaterial when exploring what the mind can do. Adults can learn freedom, openness and the willingness to risk from children.
Children can be inspired and lead to achieve their goals by modeling adults. The curriculum is about attaining alignment of who we are and what we desire to achieve in life. It is about creating harmonious flow with mind, body and spirit.
All this new realization and learning will be further anchored as your group serves the community. (As a group will come up with a community service project that would benefit the people around you and the environment you live in.) You begin to understand how in a group dynamic that is focused to one vision, you grow and evolve faster.
You create goals and powerful beliefs to achieve them. You stay focus on what is truly important to you and take personal responsibility for all outcomes. As you grow and become the best of you, your communication will reflect your internal growth. You feel more powerful and take charge of your life. Your ability to lead and empower others develops a certainty that you will always rise Victorious.
You learn to calm the body and mind through stretching, laughter and breathing exercises. You start to develop the skill of internal visualization and master mind and thoughts.
All this new realizations and learning will be further anchored as your group serves the community. You begin to understand how in a group dynamic that is focused to one vision, you grow and evolve faster. Teamwork is in action rather than just a concept. The inspiring learning and sharing among team member accelerates your creating results in your life. The bonding among your team members uplift you as you them. You are amazed at what you all can create in a short period of time. A breakthrough for all!
Participants meet every week for 2 hours over a 3-month period. Change needs commitment and consistency. The structure of this program gives you the support to achieve just that. And you keep company with like minded individuals. Meetings are fun, high motivating and inspiring. It charges you up for the week ahead till the next meeting. You feel good and move forward into action to achieve your goals.
LifeWorks has a successful collaboration with Cybercare to run the MAD curricullum with children in the orphanages all over Malaysia. We empower these children and train them with technology skills while coaching them to create a community give-back project. We have reached out to more than 400 children since the program was launched in 2008. MAD now runs under the auspices of Samsung Hope For Children. The Samsung employees are volunteer life coaches who invest their energy and time in coaching these children, changing their lives and future. This is the first-of-its-kind Corporate Service Responsibility program in Malaysia that so intimately involves employees in creating a long lasting powerful difference in the community they touch. KUDOS Samsung !!!
Purposeful Living
This 3-month program is unique, as it is designed to support individuals aged 10 and beyond to find their clarity and purpose and the powerful experience of living purposefully in a group dynamic.
We are looking for volunteer life coaches to coach our youths. We invite corporations to adopt this program as their deep and meaningful CSR initiative .