Change is an alignment of body, mind and emotion harmoniously flowing at all times. The coaching is a 2 part program; remedial and generative. Change is sustainable when we remedy the past that limit us.
First, we change old and negative programs at an unconscious level. Then we fill in the gaps and replace them with more powerful programs that move you toward the desired outcome. You will reawaken and be reminded of resources you always had in you.
We begin by finding clarity of what you want. And we take a look at your present Model of the World and investigate your values, beliefs and your current programming. Then we loosen that old model by taking personal responsibility, deep conversation and find root cause and break patterns.
Now we begin to do the change work. You heal emotions and traumatic experiences by learn the lessons. Together we create new resources for you; personal anchor for excellence, put new shades on so you see the world differently, learn how to manage powerful states, ensure all of you working together as a team.
Then we check out the new you and the new model of the world you created; and rehearse new behavior so that your change is robust and integrated.
I Want Change, A Life Coaching Program
If you don't design your own life plan, chances are you'll fall into someone else's plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much - JIM ROHN
I Want To Change is a package of 7 hours of personal life coaching sessions